

Game: Player 1 states

Player 1 ⇨ Nata˃ INTJ-A˃ Any pronouns˃ Capri


In active account,, mostly about TWICE and LOONA, tweet using broken eng and bahasa.

Anime, Manga, Film, Cats, Ice CreamSpider, Durian, Bubur ngga diaduk, Toxic stan, Problematic person


You fit the basic DFI criteria, ur acc is 18+, an akgae stan, problematic fan, homophobic, gg anti, twice-loona anti, always engage in fanwar, if u don't wanna interact with me, and u don't like me.





- Izone

Characters Unlock

- Papah Chou Kibul
- Si gamntnk dongay dari gua DTNA
- Pcar Kim Lip ipa
- Amor da bear
- Mar pcar Chaewon
- Tuing wayaw
- Putri jmet
- Val cagiya
- San Fais
- Nassu
- Ichu
- Norah
- Levi chan
- El mengakoo
- Dhey
- Nay teh budi
- Icha jodoh Wooyoung
- Fiya sayang Twice OT9
- Feb
- Arin
- Ripa
- Ara
- Her
- Grace
- Pia
- Johans kembaran jeongwoo pacarnya nayeon
- Tya
- Rayn
- Luna
- Vian

- Pudding
- Pal
- Sa
- Kak iyansu
- Saa
- Keyra
- Nao cangtip
- Minatozaki Sahnaz
- MinatoZaky
- Barr
- Fiyaaa
- Gabesu
- Niniii
- Sasaa
- Doo
- Vania
- Rachel
- Fal Dargchocoo
- Billy
- Eryl
- Syla cakep
- Kika cgtip memb Twice ke 10
- Emen
- Caa
- Gece
- Eppyoung
- Aca cantix kembaran sana
- Alessa pacar Mingyu
- Zura kmbaran Sana
- Jeje
And the rest of my Moots!!!

Before you exit, let me ask you something: How are you today?I'm Good!Kinda bad..

glad to knew that you're okay! (^▽^)stay health and happy, kay? don't forget to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner!! also drink a lot of water.
Hope you always have a nice and beautiful day!! know that you're cute, and deserved to be happy. i love you!!
Here to Exit!

Are u okay?Hey, it's okay to not be okay. Everything happen for a reason. it’s okay if you’re not okay. You can’t figure it out immediately and that’s okay.Someday, you’ll certain that it was over, you’ll realize that in that moment. Life can be beautiful. It can be really hurts, but all things shall pass. so, stay. the world is waiting for you. and i will here for you, give u a hug!!Thank you for taking care of yourselves, for fighting and doing all the hard stuffs, and for staying here. Thank you, im so proud of you.It will pass, trust me. You can do this, I believe in you!!Here to Exit!